Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I was lying in bed last night not able to go to sleep, which is a common thing these days, just thinking of all the wonderful and generous things our loving parents have done for us during these hard times. Unfortunately, like many others we have be struggling due to the economic situation that our country is in. We are making it, but with much love, support, and faith that everything will be OK. I just wanted to tell both of our parents that we are truly thankful for all that they have done and continue to do during these hard times. They have been nothing but encouraging, loving, caring, generous, thoughtful, listening, and above all just been there for us in our time of need. Spencer and I have truly been "born of goodly parents". I could not have asked for better parents or in-laws. We truly are blessed!! Right now it is a little hard to look at all the things that we are thankful for, but I know that we have A LOT  to be thankful for. We have three beautiful  healthy children, our marriage, the gospel, family support, wonderful friendships, and the reassurance and the faith that things will work out for the better. I do have to admit at times my faith is shaken and I feel like I am drowning and can't keep my head above water. I just have to continue to tell myself that this too shall pass, and there are many other things that could be a lot worst. So TODAY, my heart is  full with the appreciation of loving parents who have taught us what is right and have shown us MUCH compassion, and are continuing to be wonderful nurturing parents. We love you Mom and Dad, thank you for all of your prayers and generosity!


Jewel said...

You have such an incredible perspective. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Lissa said...

My latest and greatest motto is: "I can do hard things".

You can too.

I love you, and all of your family. I agree with everything you said in this post. I hope you get some much needed sleep sooner than later.


Mimi said...

I love you, and we are all so blessed!