Friday, October 26, 2007

Cali Trip

So right now I am in California visiting my best friend Lindy and her cute little fam. Just to give a little history about Lindy and I, we have been friends since we have been in our Mother's tummies. Our moms where visiting teaching partners(and pregnant with us) and started a friendship for themselves and us that we could have never imagined. To say the least she is more like the sister that I never had and such a wonderful blessing in my life. We are having such a blast together and are kids are too. Lyric and Seth are about 9 months apart and Paxton and Tessa are 5 months apart. Isn't it great that they already have their spouses lined up for them.... We planned it that way too. Any who just wanted to give an up date to the fam back at home and share with them all of the fun that we are having. Sure love ya Wid, thanks for such a fun trip!
My cute little flyer's... they did so good on the plane until the end when both of their ears started to hurt. Poor kiddos

Going the Lindy's ward Halloween party... This year Seth knew exactly what he wanted to be (a Lion) and isn't Tessa the cutest Minnie Mouse that you have ever seen???
Not really sure what is going on...
Seth is telling the ward what he was. He jumped right up there and was so proud of his costume
Future soul mates.... Lyric and Seth having a blast
This is Paxton.... the biggest Tootsie Roll that I have ever seen. This hunk of burning love is 3 1/2 months and already weighs 21 pounds...Can you believe that??

They are going to kill us for this picture!!
Seth being silly
Soul mates part two..... Having fun at the park
Swinging away..

I was trying to capture the chubbiest of this little guy... Pictures just don't do him justice!!
Stay tooned for more picture of our fun trip on the next post...


Dave'sWife@{thediaryofdaveswife} said...


Anonymous said...

looks like so much fun! so glad you had a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures! I miss you tons, Tiff!

Jamie and Family said...

Oh my gosh, I was staring at that picture of Paxton with the bow TRYING to figure out who it was! It was a total mind trip!!! Hilarious!

Your family has been linked to ours for as long as I can remember. I remember thinking it was so fun to have your first birthday parties together!!! I was almost 7.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff! I tagged you. Read my blog and have fun!!

Carlotta said...

paxton is DEFINITETLY the BIGGEST tootsie roll i have ever seen. That picture is so funny of the boys .


Owen is 9 months and only 16 pounds!! WOW! Your kiddos are adorable in their costumes!!

trine k said...

Where did you get the minnie mouse costume? Very adorable-