Friday, November 2, 2007


Today I was TRYING to put some of my Halloween decorations away and much to my surprise Seth was not ready of Halloween to be over. I had put all of my decoration in a corner in the kitchen to EVENTUALLY put in storage and look at what I found Seth doing.....
He was running back a forth from the kitchen to the family room trying to put all the decorations back. He thought he was pretty funny... I thought so too!! He kept saying "it's not over, it is time for it again". I think I am going to have to wait a couple of days, or just wait until he is in bed!


Cara Fish said...

Um, hello?! Who wants any day that is filled with candy to end? Are you kidding? Smart kid!

Robert Choate said...

Seth sounds like Brigham. He still has to wear his costume most of the day. I showed Brigham the pictures and he told me over and over, "That's my friend. Let's go daddy. I want to play with Seth."

Mimi said...

that's hilarious! But I'm totally with you, I need to clean everything and put it all away! I miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

How dare you try and put away Halloween decorations?!?! You are so much better then me . . . putting up Halloween decorations at all. Hope you're doing great . . . miss you tonz!

The Herrons said...

Hey tiff.. lets be brave and go get the girls ears pierced together.

Ditte said...

Tiff! I love you and can't wait to see you out in the desert! I have a blog now!

Crystal Star said...

Found your blog through Cammi's. I think the photo of Seth running by your dining room table looks straight out of the magazine! The decor, colors and his face. Too cute. Hope you are well.
Crystal Bowman