Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No more excuses... No more fluff!!

I am writing this post in efforts to light a fire under by booty to loose some much needed baby fluff. I don't like the word FAT. In fact when my kiddos use that word I have a tendency to get after them. I know that I am not a heavy person. I know that I don't have a serious weight problem.  I know that my extra thirty pounds sounds like nothing to others. I do know that this extra weight that I am caring around is starting to effect me in not such a good way. I dread getting ready in the morning due to the fact that none of my clothes fit. I HATE the little back fat (sorry fluff) that get stuck in my bra! I want to feel healthy and energetic. I want to go for a run and not feel like I'm going to die after. I want to do something for myself and not anyone else. Why is that such a hard thing for mom's to do? Why do we feel guilty for doing something for ourselves? I struggle with that. I know that I just had a baby, and he was totally worth it!! I just am ready to get my body back and feel a little better about myself. So starting today I am calories counter, running/walking any kinda of exercise machine. My calorie intake in going to be around 1800 per day due to the fact that I'm a nursing Mama. According to some research that I have been doing, I must intake that many calories in order to sustain my milk. My plan is to record weekly on my weight lose and progress on my blog in efforts to motivate myself and continue my weight lose. So here I go... ready or not, I have to start some where!! My starting weight is .... drum roll please..... 168! Wheeewwweeee , that was a little hard. My REALISTIC GOAL is to be 145. I would love to be around 140 but let's start with this first goal  and see how we do with that first. I'm pretty tall, 5'7 and have a pretty athletic/curvy build. To say it in different terms, I'm not a petite person. So stay tuned until next week when I record my efforts of my weight lost. Wish me luck!

Tess took like picture of me...


Tawnya said...

You can do it! But I bet a biggest loser cash reward would help make things easier. :D

The Brinkerhoff's said...

Well I think you look amazing plus I wish I weighed 140!!!But I like to eat junk more then being skinny!( I think)

Jennifer said...

I have been seriously thinking of doing this same exact post! I got a "you look so cute pregnant" comment a few weeks ago that was like reality slapping me in the face. (baby is almost 5 months old). I cried, I ate a snickers, then I got a walking buddy. :) I have to go after the kids are in bed because my kids think that when I am excersising, they need to try to be right by me...and get kicked in the bed or hurt by the eliptical. I still need to work in some ab workouts...but it feels SO good to be doing something about the "fluff"...even if I haven't seen any major results...yet!

DontYouWishYouWereUS said...

You look great but I am also excited for you. I think there is a lot of truth to saying you want to do something for yourself. I am proud of you. Also you may have just inspired me. What you did takes a lot of courage. I wish you luck.

Else said...

You can do it! Like all good things it is hard, but you can do it! What helped me inbetween baby and next pregnancy was an exercise goal. I did a half marathon (which I NEVER thought I would do), but if that doesn't work for you, try a 5K, 10K or sprint triathlon. It's also helpful to have a buddy who will do it with you. Ditte was mine. We helped motivate each other and because we had a goal, it was a bit easier to remember the deadline was coming up so get out and exercise. Also just a word of caution with the calorie counting. When I started couting my calories while nursing, I started loosing my milk cause my calorie amount wasn't enough. I took some herbs and increased my calories and got my milk supply back up. But just be aware if you have to change your amount of caloires. Otherwise good luck, you are worth it and I know being healthy helps are spirits and our moods!!!

John and Lisa said...

Good luck Tiff! The thing have looked GREAT at any weight! You somehow pull it off. But I do get it, about not having any clothes fit, and either have to buy new bigger ones, or get back into the old ones. Good luck!

onehm said...

AMEN sista!! I'm right there with you! As soon as I move, I am starting something for me too! :) Maybe we can keep each other motivated...